Ulfilas - Gothic Missionary & Translator
by Frank Schaefer

Ulfilas (or Gothic Wulfila)
(ca. 310 – 383)
(also Ulphilas, Wulfila or Orphila) (ca. 310 – 383) bishop,
missionary, and Bible translator, was a Goth or half-Goth who had
spent time inside the Roman Empire.
Ulfilas' parents were of non-Gothic Anatolian origin but had been
enslaved by Goths on horseback. Ulfilas converted many among the
Goths, preaching an Arian Christianity, which, when they reached
the western Mediterranean, set them apart from their Orthodox
neighbors and subjects.
Ulfilas was ordained a bishop by Eusebius of Nicomedia and
returned to his people to work as a missionary. In 348, to escape
religious persecution by a Gothic chief, probably Athanaric he
obtained permission from Constantius II to migrate with his flock
of converts to Moesia and settle near Nicopolis ad Istrum, in what
is now northern Bulgaria. There, Ulfilas translated the Bible from
Greek into the Gothic language. For this he devised the Gothic
alphabet.Fragments of his translation have survived, including the
Codex Argenteus, in the University Library of Uppsala in Sweden. A
parchment page of this Bible was found in 1971 in the Speyer
There are significant differences between the stories presented by
the two camps. The Arian sources depict Ulfilas as an Arian from
childhood. He was then consecrated as a bishop around 340 and
evangelized among the Goths for 7 years during the 340s. He then
moved to Moesia (within the Roman Empire) under the protection of
the Arian Emperor Constantius II. He later attended several
councils and engaged in continuing religious debate. They date his
death in 383.
For several reasons, modern scholars depend more heavily on the
Arian accounts than the Catholic accounts. Auxentius was clearly
the closest to Ulfilas, and so presumably had access to more
reliable information. The Catholic accounts differ too widely
among themselves to present a unified case. Debate continues as to
the best reconstruction of Ulfilas's life.
* Source: Wikipedia